John Day was absolutely one of the BEST teachers I was lucky enough to be taught by. He was an absolute legend of a man and a truly inspirational teacher that cared for and knew how to bring the best out in his students. He was a fantastic orator and knew the perfect balance of being firm but fair, the balance of when to be a disciplinarian and when to be a comedian, actor or entertainer. I was incredibly fortunate to have been on camp round Europe and to America on trips that were exceptionally well organised by JD over the summer holidays, how selfless of him to give up half of his summer holidays to give us once in a lifetime experiences. If every teacher was half the teacher JD was, the profession would be in fantastic shape - I taught for 11 years and setting the tone and creating the balance in a classroom certainly wasn't as easy a job as John Day made it look. His passing is a really sad loss to Wales High School and the teaching profession sincere condolences to John's family, friends and colleagues x Fly High Sir - thanks for all the life lessons you gave us, both in and outside of the classroom. I will always remember you with great fondness, admiration and respect.